Mo, Nov.
10, 8:40 AM BI+AS-MoM-2 Deposition of Porous Polyparylene Layers with Even Thickness in Narrow Tubes
Franz, Hamideh Heidari
(Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany), Dieter Jocham
(University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein at Luebeck)
To coat
a thin hollow tube with an equally thick layer along the whole length, is one
of the most challenging issues of surface refinement. Even for long mean free
paths and large diffusion lengths, a drop in thickness is common, which is
simply caused by the abstraction of deposited molecules, which cannot walk
randomly any longer. To overcome these inherent spatial inhomogeneities,
we made use of the mechanism of the temperature-dependent surface
polymerization, which is manifested in the occurrence of a "ceiling
temperature". Negatively turned, no deposition is possible beyond this
temperature. Positively spoken, the spatially inhomogeneous deposition rate
along a tube can be equalized with a counteracting temperature gradient.
Experimentally, a configuration with four furnaces in line has been constructed
which allows the inner wall of a tube 12" in length and 1/8" in inner
diameter to be coated with a layer of even thickness. The most prominent
application is the partial protection of thin silver layers which are deposited
on the inner walls of catheters of polyurethane or polysilicone
not as a contiguous film but with a zebra-stripe design applying a
patent-pending procedure [1]. These silver rings act as antibacterial means to
combat infections and induced incrustations in the urological area. To prolong
the lifetime of the silver depot, it has to be protected with a porous human
compatible top layer. We chose FDA approved polyparylene
with thicknesses between 100 and 400 nm to ensure a long-term antibacterial
activity, which should be kept above threshold level by a safety factor of 2
[2,3]. First results for the CVD of polyparylene are
presented and are discussed and modeled with COMSOL in terms of diffusion laws
with an abstraction reaction of 1st order. After having shown the antibacterial
effect for a static case [4], here a dynamic trial is presented to simulate the
antibacterial activity during flow of bacteria-containing urine in the ureters.
[1] G. Franz, F. Schamberger, A. Kutschera, S. Seyedi, D. Jocham, German patent disclosure DE 102012023349.3, Nov. 29, 2012
[2] F. Schamberger, A. Ziegler, and G. Franz, J. Vac. Sci. Technol.
B30, 01801 (2012)
[3] G. Franz, F. Schamberger, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A31, 061602 (2013)
[4] H. Heidari, St. Sudhop, F. Schamberger, G. Franz,
Biointerphases, accepted May 05, 2014